
Parshvottanasana, the lateral extension, is a standing posture that finds its way into the repertoire of almost every yoga student. Lengthening the torso over one leg and bending forward from the hip joints awakens an intense stretch in the deep muscles of the gluteal region as well as in the hamstrings, and dramatically strengthens the lower back. Parshvottanasana also improves balance and isolates the movement of the pelvis from that of the upper torso. It is a posture with such a rich variety of benefits that it shouldn’t be ignored.


One of the most amazing books that I was introduced to several years ago during my yoga therapy certification was “You’re Body Speaks Your Mind,” by Deb Shapiro. Since reading this book the very first time it has remained at my bedside and weekly I go to it for answers and inspiration.

The word Orthorexia is derived from anorexia and “ortho” meaning straight or right. But unlike anorexia which focuses on restricting food intake in order to become thin, orthorexia restricts foods that are insufficiently clean, healthy or wholesome.

As summer’s nearing end, I find myself and the world around me entering a season of change – back to school, vacation’s over, and the lush vibrant greens of midsummer are now showing browns and yellows at the edges.  Just today I saw a hint of red coming forth!

No matter where you live geographically, your internal “nature” experiences the change of the seasons.
Summer is the season of heat.  The sun is close, and the element of fire is predominant in nature.

Yoga is a very relevant topic to explore in the society of today’s children because it offers something nothing else can offer, a non-competitive outlet. Yoga also has many undeniable benefits that go along with it. Adults are reaping these benefits with great reward. It’s time we share this same outlet with our children today.

Today’s schools are filled with never before seen challenges. High violence rates, low success rates and an increased population of mentally and physically unhealthy children are rampant. Yoga is accessible, easy and the benefits come quickly. The more you grow your practice, the more benefits you will see.

We are just too busy, too occupied, too distracted, too over-scheduled.

We try so many strategies: new calendars, to-do lists, New Year’s resolutions, and endless promises to ourselves to do less.

But we don’t.

So every day do these three things instead.

One, a 20 minute relaxation. Lie down, set a timer, cover your eyes and totally disconnect from the world.

Two, do not look at your phone during meals. Put it in another room and turn it off.

I will save you the mumbo jumbo about New Years Resolutions.

On New Years Day, I looked in the mirror, 1 newborn baby, 2 bloody-marys and 3 football bowl games deep into the day...and thought:

“My wife is the one breastfeeding but my manboobs might just do the trick!”

“These moose-knuckle-high-waisted-dad-jeans are not going to further my image.”

“Dave! Yoga Journal is on the phone. They want you for their new cover,” said no one...ever!

Yeah, I got a little down on myself. It happens!

There’s been lots of buzz about vitamin D in the last decade and is regarded by some as a “Super Nutrient” with a multitude of broad benefits. Is this all just media hype? In my opinion, vitamin D is the real deal and its prime importance in health is supported by loads of literature & the evidence continues to grow. This article will shed some light on the importance of optimizing your vitamin D level, how to most effectively do this, which form of vitamin D is best, how to get your vitamin D level checked & much more.
