I am a devotee of the art of yoga. Yogees combines my love for working with children and my enthusiasm for unique physical and mental wellness of yoga.
Personally, I have found yoga to be such an asset to my life; it has changed me in such amazing ways. Because of that, I wanted to share this with children. First of all, yoga is a non-competitive sport. How many things can we say that about today? Yoga builds self-esteem and self respect. It promotes physical strength, balance and flexibility. One of the greatest things about a child’s yoga practice is that it is imaginative and helps in developing their creative thinking skills. Yoga also helps to work on the importance of posture. It is amazing to see how something as simple as standing up straight makes you feel better and more confident! Yoga also helps children to understand the importance of respect for self and others. Not only is this part of the “yoga mantra”; but it also benefits our day-to-day relationships.