From the intention of manifesting your own inner wisdom and personal voice, we'll guide you step by step through the different phases of self-exploration and development in a safe and nurturing environment anchored in self-care. There's no right, no wrong, no one method that fits all, but rather an opportunity to explore the formulation that fits and supports your true uniqueness.
We'll hold the space and time for you for that incredible inner journey of self-empowerment and discovery, providing you with an array of tools gathered from ancient and modern knowledge and modalities, applied to today’s world, including but not limited to, yoga, ayurveda, meditation, aromatherapy, tantra and aguahara. Respectfully borrowing from the Tantric tradition, the body and all your senses will be your fundamental instruments and field of exploration, learning and mastery. Please note this is an ongoing program consisting of 9 intensive weekend modules over the course of 10-months.
Manifest Your Inner Teacher 2020 is a 3-PATH TRACK
You can take this program from three different perspectives, depending on where you are in life and what YOU need to support your body-mind-spirit, your goals and true needs this year:
PATH 1: The Spiritual Seeker or Wondering Soul
Consciously or not yet that strongly, you feel or sense there’s something deeper in you and beyond you that you want to explore, touch, reveal. You may have questions, doubts about who you are, what’s next, why you are, when you are and what your full potential looks like, or curiosity to tap and dig deeper within and connect to Your Self.
PATH 2: The Aspiring Teacher
You’ve been practicing some form of Yoga (not limited to yoga asanas) for a while, you have experienced the benefits of this ‘technology’ and you have a calling: to be a teacher, to help others by sharing your tools and experience and giving back. You want to be Yoga Alliance Certified, so all doors can open to you to start teaching after completing this program.
PATH 3: The YanaShalee or Certified Teacher
YanaShalees - you’ve already taken this program at least once, and you want to come back, explore a different perspective, dive deeper, and be part of this year’s adventure as a witness, a brother or sister, and a mentor for those going through this process for the first time.
The Certified Teacher path includes those of you who are already yoga teachers - trained in another lineage(s) or school, and who feel the need to reconnect to or deepen your own practice.
Module 1 - The Seed
March 20 - 22
Module 2 - The Soil
April 17 - 19
Module 3 - The Tools
May 15 - 17
Module 4 - The Ecosystem
June 19 - 21
Module 5 - The Seasons
July 17 - 19
Module 6 - The Ripening
October 2 - 4
Module 7 - The Blossoming
November 6 - 8
Module 8 - The Harvest
December 4 - 6
Module 9 - The Teacher
January 15 - 17, 2021
Weekend Schedule (approx.)
Friday - 6 to 9 pm
Saturday - 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Sunday - 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Douchka Lecot
Barb Totzke