Breath is Boss:
Breath, the force that animates us from the moment we arrive until the moment we transition and is with us every moment, every step, of the journey of our life.
Breathing is so automatic and “regular” that it can largely go unnoticed, its effects becoming unrealized or taken for granted. By becoming increasingly aware of this animating force, we can intensify the potency of each moment and conduct greater awareness, appreciation and enjoyment in our life.
Through simple breath work and conscious breath-flow movement, an intimate and inspiring conversation is lit; a dialogue we can tap into at any time that will always bring us to the here and now.
This weekend intensive will be a curious journey, an opportunity to explore deep into your internal layers to nurture and grow your relationship with your breath. Guided and inspired by breath, each workshop will unfold a new layer of practices designed sequentially to refine your skills, capacities and sensitivities for uncovering new layers breath flow movement.
Each session will contain:
⁃ juicy dynamic practice: Asanas intelligently sequenced to ignite and untangle
the body-mind, creating more room for circulation of inspiration
⁃ seated/supine breath exercises
⁃ techniques and tools for “riding breath” and using breath for specific use in
different asanas and transitions
⁃ personal inquiry using breath as the conversationalist between mind and body
⁃ breath-flow movement sequence for your home practice
⁃ guided meditation/reflection ⁃
Friday 3/20/2020 @ 6:00-8:30PM
In order to get to know another human being we engage in conversation, asking questions and listening to their story they share through words, expression and body language. If we have too many presumptions about the person we are getting to know, we limit our ability to understand who they really are. Our relationship with our breath can be the same. There are many facts, tools and exercises that can be extremely useful to know however they can also get in the way of having a pure experience of the breath, as it is.
In this session we will spark up conversations with breath, using various tools and exercises to direct and experience the sensations of breath. Ultimately, it is our own personal experiencing of breathing that will ferment to wisdom and become the foundation for a personal connection to this force.
Saturday 3/21 @10:00-1:00pm
When movement is initiated and executed primarily on a thought, movement becomes effort orientated and calls upon primarily gross physical engagements. With this the amount of total body-mind awareness and overall energy can diminish. Movement can feel strenuous, effort-orientated and calls primarily upon gross physical engagements.
Movement that is initiated and executed largely on breath allows the body-mind to collect and cultivate greater amounts of energy. Movement becomes meditative, giving the quality of riding or surfing on the breath.
With every breath there is an inner massage, as the energy of breath moves in specific ways inside. By sensitizing to the inner movements of breath we can cultivate the energy of the breath, or prana, and rise energy levels, creating an ease of movement, enhanced buoyancy and stability.
In this session, carrying forward the skills learned in session one, we will explore movement initiation awareness to cultivate breath surfing skills.
Saturday 3/21 @ 3:00pm-5:30pm
Just as a mirror reflects light in a chosen direction, or water is directed and held in place by the river banks, we can direct our breath to different areas of our body for specific purposes. Not only by engaging specific physical actions, but also through mental focusing and heightening of sensational perceptivity.
In this session we will add the layer of intentional breath direction to learn to use the it in action to create greater ease of movement.
Sunday 3/22 @ 10:00am-1:00pm
“Life is an embellishment, an enrichment, an overflowing, and if you begin to care for your own life, if you plant and water it, if you train it to grow upwards it will flourish and, in flourishing, it will awaken cells and faculties within you whose existence you have never even suspected” ~Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
With all of the seeds of the previous sessions embedded, this session is the opportunity to put it all together and flow!
The teachings of Meghan are raw, powerful and sharply intuitive as their source is channelled from the teachings of Nature. Being deeply rooted in her works with expanding Love, her teachings reflect this work, and encourage students to process the gifted experiences so as to draw from them the highest nectar of the teachings.
Meghan Currie is electric, potent, infectious. She is a creator, moulding the light and dark within herself into Yoga classes and art which are expansive journeys through inner layers. She loves this work, this creating, learning, concocting, healing; she has given herself to it fully.
She grew up in small town Ontario picking raspberries and exploring the forest, hearing and feeling the whisperings and spirits of the world around her. Her depth of vision grew here like roots through the forest floor. She would become the alchemist, the witch doctor, laying stones and rubbing dirt on all kinds of spiritual and physical maladies.
She explored the world through dance, swimming, soccer, baseball, ringette, drama and art. She discovered how life breathes through you when you are in movement’s thrall.
She grew her armpit hair, smoked pot, listened to Led Zeppelin; she sought wisdom from any old man with a beard. She refused to wear shoes, or wash her feet for a year.
At thirteen, suicide of best friend “made everything go dark.” The burden of years of debilitating anxiety and fathomless depression ground her down, made her small, showed her that balancing the rich beauty of life was a yawning darkness. She traversed it widely, always studying, learning.
It was through this trauma that she discovered the immense healing powers of the body-mind. And this is what led her to a deep and lifelong journey through the layers of the human experience. She had begun to teach herself how to be a healer.
Though she had the love and support of a hardworking, kind and grounded family, she felt called away from home, and at nineteen moved to Nicaragua to teach English. Central America held her for a year (and has called her back many times since) until she moved back to Canada to a job hosting the travel program ‘Alternate Routes.’ This took her to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Salzburg, Budapest, Turkey, Japan, China and Thailand. She found solace in Yoga, in the simplicity of breath and movement, and in the natural world, where the beauty within her was reflected back to her constantly by the deep and complex wildness of mother nature.
Her Yoga career found her when Steve Merkely pushed her to become a teacher, and to look ever deeper into herself. She was lit up by people like Paige Faraci and Chris Chavez – who opened her up to leading Yoga workshops all over the world.
This career asked her to be alive, constantly intuiting the highest truth, the deepest narrative, the most integral way she could be of service in the world. It taught her that there are no mistakes, that each of our storylines are structured to give us the highest education – a unique, genius script, never to be retold.
In her own words, she is a dork: funny, difficult, moody, complex and creative, her highest purpose to be of service to people, plants, animals, minerals – all the beings, to use the wisdom she found in the depths and darkness’s to draw others out into the light.
find out more https://www.meghancurrieyoga.com/about.html
your curiosity and open heart