$275 for a single module, or $3,600 for the 200 hour YTT Package
Ayurveda translates as ‘the science of life’, and provides a focus for physical, mental and spiritual fitness through diet and lifestyle. This is the world's oldest holistic healing system.
Yoga is a technology to help your body detox, stabilize and strengthen energy and mind, and a glimpse into the subtle and spiritual realm of experience. Any type of yoga you practice will help you feel better, but in order to develop a self-guided personal practice, you must first understand the basic principles of nature and yourself.
In this weekend module, we will review the underlying philosophy of yoga & ayurveda, called Samkhya Philosophy. We will learn the foundational qualities of the world around us, and how our choices of food and lifestyle can support a healthier balance. Learn about your Dosha, and how to apply ayruvedic principles based on your season of life.
We will explore how the science of Ayurveda views the mind, and how we can craft our diet, lifestyle, and yoga practice to support body, mind, breath, and spirit.
Learn about Mantra, and practice the Shanti Pat (Teacher / Student) Mantra for Peace.
Earn 15 hours of credit towards your 200 hour Yoga Teacher certification, according to Yoga Alliance guidelines, and deepen your knowledge of self healing.
Module 1 of The Masters Path 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training & Development: for those who wish to become a teacher, or deepen their knowledge of the science & philosophy of yoga to support continued growth and self mastery.
This module is a prerequisite for the Ayurvedic Yoga Module
Classes are offered online live, and will be recorded for study and self practice.
The Masters Path 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training & Development 2021:
- 15 hours: Ayurveda - an introduction
- 30 hours: Yoga - what is it and why its important
- 15 hours: Anatomy & physiology of the breath
- 15 hours: Anatomy & physiology of the body
- 30 hours: Vinyasa Krama / Wise Sequencing
- 15 hours: Ayurvedic Yoga - Custom Crafting: understanding the impact of each type of practice, precautions and prerequisites. Must have attended Ayureda - an introduction, or have some Ayurveda experience
- 30 hours: Mindfulness, Meditation, Mantra (intro to Vishoka Meditation Technique)
- 15 hours: Yoga Sutras - why we practice
- 30 hours: Earning the Seat of the Teacher
Friday night 6pm - 8pm: Discussion & Practice
Saturday 9am - 4pm: Discussion, Practice, Group Work
Sunday 10am - 4pm: Discussion, Practice, Q&A
email info@LivingYogaDallas.com for the application and invoice link
Jeff Masters is the founder and director of The Masters Institute and the SevaSoul Foundation, Jeff Masters is a yoga and somatic therapist specializing in assessing and treating somatic-based trauma, chronic pain, and neuro-energetic dysfunction. Jeff’s writings and teachings, drawn from over 30 years of mentorship, training, and clinical practice, bridge the physical and esoteric through science and the ancient yogic lineages. His teachings focus on the modern application of ancient wisdom, especially on creating embodied learning opportunities where understanding is inspired by direct experience and personal realization. Jeff leads retreats, workshops, and trainings nationally and internationally, including at The Masters Institute in Sedona, Arizona.
Kirsten Joy Burch is the owner of Living Yoga Dallas, and founder of PraniLife Consulting. Kirsten is a 500 hour certified yoag teacher and meditaiton specialist with a focus on weaving the ancient techniques into a modern lifestyle, for a more balanced approach to mental and physical wellbeing. Her teachings draw from the well crafted practices of Rod Stryker & ParaYoga, as well as the teachings of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait of the Masters of the Himalayas, delivering undiluted teachings from a Living Tradition.
Both Jeff and Kirsten are currently working on their Vishoka Meditation Teacher certification with the Himalayan Institute, and will be rolling out this technique of meditation, based on the ancient texts including the Yoga Sutras, the Lotus Sutra, and Shiva Sutra.
you will be required to keep a practice journal, and a notebook for notes and presentations
you will want to have handy a yoga mat, block, strap, yoga blanket, and if possible, a sandbag for breath training (see www.YogaMart.com for store hours)
Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing, by Dr. Vasant Lad