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Ojas is our "inner sap", our vitality, consciousness and immunity. It is the basis for physical and mental endurance, the internalized essence of digested food and thought.

Ojas is responsible for protecting the body from physical harm and provides emotional stability. It grounds us and supports our mental, physical and spiritual growth. It protects us against high levels of stress and provides mental stability and peace.

There's nothing more soothing than a warm drink after a long, tiring day. Not only does it make you feel good inside but it also helps get rid of any physical pain you might be having. Besides, it is also good for de-stressing.

Many people experience back pain, and for many reasons. The main cause of back pain is a lack of strength and/or flexibility. These 3 beginner yoga moves are designed to strengthen and increase flexibility in your spine.

Yoga isn’t solution for all back pain, more serious condition may need special care in addition to yoga, like a bulging disc. Which is when one of your intervertebral discs has weakened and lost its shape. If you suffer from a spinal condition proceed carefully.

Modern society is so super advanced - we can thank science & technology for so many inventions over the past 200 years! However, our personal and spiritual evolution, our ability to be content and fulfilled hasn’t growth past our ancestors from the Stone Age. We still exhibit anger, greed, jealousy, ego and insatiable desires. Our mind constantly spins with anger over past experiences, anxiety and fear over what may come to pass. We have lost sight of the beauty that exists, ever present, in the here and now.

The hectic nature of the holidays can get to even the most practiced yogi. The problem is that stress is more than just a mental worry. It manifests itself in physical ways and attacks our overall health and wellbeing.
But with daily practice, we can keep our inner peace intact and truly enjoy the holidays.

This standing pose can help relieve stress by calming the brain and energizing the body.

