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Debbie Simon, E-RYT500 Debbie has been teaching yoga since 2007 and has been in the health and wellness field since 1999. She received her RYT-200 and RYT-500 training through Blue Anjou’s Breathe into Awareness teacher training program. Known for her down to earth personality, her classes are meditative in structure without losing the physical aspect. She firmly believes meditation is the foundation of a holistic yoga practice. She is inspired by the rituals and routines of Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, as well as its emphasis on vegetarian food. Always striving to learn in order to benefit the people in her classes, as well as deepen her own yoga practice, Debbie likes to teach often from the yoga sutras and is Aromatouch certified in the application of essential oils. Her principle teacher is DeAnna Nielsen owner of Blue Anjou yoga and meditation center. She has The people who attend her classes are her biggest inspiration.

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My Certifications

E-RYT 500 Hatha Breathe into Awareness Teacher Training Program

Disciplines I Teach
Yin Yoga
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