Arpita is a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and has had the privilege of studying under very talented international teachers such as Rod Styker, Dharma Mittra, Judith Lasater, Lesli Kamainof, Doug Keller, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait and Ayurveda Guru Dr Vasant Lad. Arpita has earned BS degree in Nutrition and MBA from Texas Woman´s University. She is also 500-hour registered yoga teacher and Ayurveda Practitioner

Besides her regular teaching schedule, Arpita also offers private yoga therapy, one on one nutrition counseling, Ayurveda consultation, Yoga TeacherTtraining, Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor Training and Yoga retreats.  Arpita feels tremendous gratitude to all her teachers for supporting her growth and is thankful to her students for giving her this opportunity to share the journey of Yoga and Ayurveda.

NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, C-IAYT Certified Yoga therapist, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, E-RYT-500, BS in Nutrition & MBA - As an Ayurveda practitioner and Yoga Teacher, Arpita’s intention is to integrate the sister sciences of Ayurveda with Yoga to provides a unique class with a holistic approach to the mind, body, and spirit. For Arpita, sharing the beauty of ayurveda, nutrition and yoga with her clients is truly a gift in her life.

Notification of expiration: 
My Certifications

NAMA Certified & Registered Ayurvedic Practitioner, C-IAYT Certified Yoga therapist, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, E-RYT-500,  BS in Nutrition & MBA

-500 hr. CRT, E-RYT
-NAMA Certified & Registered Ayurvedic Practitioner, BS in Nutrition & MBA
-Women’s Herbal Intensive, June 6th-10th, 2016
-Kayachikitsa I: Management of Digestive System & Metabolic Disorders- KAA, April 2016
-Ayurvedic Formulation Making Course- April, 2016
-Ashtanga Hridayam- Kerela Acedamy - Jan, 2016
-Dr. Vasant Lad: Ayurveda and Mind- June, 2015
-Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist training from CCA school- March, 2015
-Dr. Vasant Lad : Marma Chikitsa Training- June, 2014
-Dr. Vasant Lad : Pulse Practicum Training-June 2013
-Dr. Vasant Lad :Advanced Clinical Gurukula Program - Pune, India 6 Weeks (180 hour) Intensive- Nov, 2013
-Dr. Vasant Lad:The Ayurvedic Art of Health and Healing Training- July 2012
-Dr. Vasant Lad :Home Remedies Healing Immersion- July, 2011

-Para Yoga Trainings:
-Tantra, Path of Beauty & Bliss Intensive- Sep 2015
-Vinyasa Krama : The Energetics of Sequencing-Sep, 2014
-ParaYoga Marma-Principles of Enlightened Practice-2012
-Tantra, Path of Beauty & Bliss Intensive- Sep 2015
-ParaYoga Marma-Principles of Enlightened Practice-2012
-Para Yoga: A TAntra Yoga immersion- Sep 14-16, 2012
-Secrets of the Sutras -Tantra Yoga-2011
-Awakening the True Power of Yoga - Sun, Moon and Fire-2011
-Moving from the organs Experiential Advanced Teacher Training with Judith Hanson Lasater- Jan 19-22,2011
-Vinyasa Krama : The Energetics of Sequencing-Sep 17, 2010
-The Gunas: The Principles of Enlightened Practice-2010
-Para yoga Immersion- Septeber 17-19, 2010
-Yoga Anatomy and the Breathing Body weekend Immersion with Leslie Kaminoff-Sep,2010
-Living Tantra Part One with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PHD- April 16-18, 2010
-Hatha Yoga and Therapeutics weekend Immersion with Doug Keller-Jan,2010

Disciplines I Teach
Yoga Therapy
Where To Find Me Divine Center of Yoga
Contact Information
Seeking Studio: 