Join vocalist/teacher Suzanne for this ecstatic mind-body immersion into the heart of soulful self-expression and discover your ability to heal, embody your truth, and tap into states of joy and connection.
Combining simple yoga asanas with sound healing, chanting and singing, ecstatic movement, and deep ritual we will:
- unleash creative potential
- understand and heal core traumas
- remove blocks to power and confidence
- reclaim our authentic voice
Learn practical and powerful ritual skills that you can incorporate into your daily practice and teaching.
These workshops are open to all. No previous vocal or yoga experience is necessary. Join in and allow yourself to access your own true voice and embodied creativity.
In our modern world, it is often easier to isolate and disconnect rather than cultivate practices of community. Meanwhile a widespread hunger for experiences of the sacred in daily life becomes more and more clear.
Are you ready to deepen your connection to the sacred? Are you longing to integrate the tools of the sacred arts into your daily life? Are you ready to give your inner critic a vacation… ready to release the dusty or damaging stories that keep you from unleashing your authentic self expression? Do you yearn to speak your truth and experience the freedom of your authentic voice?
Art of Voice
Saturday, May 20
10:30am - 1:30pm
In this workshop we will learn techniques of awareness in order to excel in our ability to focus, and allowing ourselves to open to creative inspiration, release blockages, fears, insecurities, worries and tensions, while experiencing our true voice, our new potentials and new freedom of expression. Our body is our instrument, therefore alignment practices will be included that create an open, clear channel for our voice and purest expression. We will practice strengthening and coordinating the breath to create a strong foundation for our tone and combine gentle asana with sound, singing, and exercises designed to lead you to your own true voice and embodied creativity.
Not only is music one of the most powerful tools for emotional healing, it is also an optimal way we can re-wire neuro- pathways for healthy brain / body function. Through the vocal modalities offered in these sessions, we can learn to transform our emotional landscapes into healing, joy and beauty.
Art of Ritual
Saturday, May 20
2:30 - 5:30pm
Ritual asks us to become our own spiritual authority and, especially when combined with yoga, can be a transformative tool that awakens and inspires. Modern, co-creative ritual can bring ancient wisdoms back into our busy daily lives in meaningful, deeply felt, and healing ways. It is an act of courage, hope, and artistry.
In this class we will learn about the history of ritual from ancient cultures and its evolution through the modern lens of yoga philosophy. We will then learn practical and powerful ritual skills, including grounding and centering, creating a sacred container, and catalyzing transformational practices that can be incorporated into your daily practice, enhance your teaching and help to build conscious community.
We will create simple personal and collective ritual and cultivate the following the sacred skills:
- Creating a sacred container or space for personal and group transformation/celebration.
- Grounding and centering as tools for sacred leadership
- Using ritual to transform stagnant patterns
- Developing creative devotional practices
- Working with diety, myth and storytelling
Karma Yoga - Finding your Purpose
Sunday, May 21
12:30 - 3:30pm
Are you interested in living your yoga off your mat and helping others to do the same? Are you ready to make a difference in your life and the lives of others? What stands in the way of turning your vision into action?
This session, designed for yoga teachers and those wishing to participate in service projects, will explore what it means to embody all that we value and stand for and will reinforce the belief that the change we want to see around us, begins within us.
Participants will be guided through an experiential process to discover their purpose in the world and their unique voice as facilitators of change. The session will provide a deep investigation into our gifts, motivations and challenges as we expand our ability to turn purpose into action and awaken our greatest potential to inspire change and give back to the world.
Saturday, May 20
10:30am - 1:30pm
Saturday, May 20
2:30 - 5:30pm
Sunday, May 21
12:30 - 3:30pm
Suzanne Sterling is a musician, teacher, ritualist and activist who has been performing and teaching transformational workshops for over 25 years. She is founder of Voice of Change, inspiring others to find their unique voice as a tool for conscious evolution, and co-founder of Off The Mat, Into the World. Suzanne has been featured at hundreds of international festivals and conference centers including Yoga Journal, Omega, Esalen, Wanderlust, Bhaktifest, BaliSpirit, World Festival of Sacred Music and many more.
Since 2006 she has been training leaders of sacred activism through her co-founded organization Off The Mat, Into the World. She served as director of OTM’s Global Seva Challenge which raised over $3.5 million by activating yoga communities and raising awareness about critical global issues. She spent time working with communities in the U.S., India, Cambodia, Haiti, Ecuador, Uganda, and South Africa supporting community resilience. In addition to her work with OTM, Suzanne has leveraged the power of her musical message to support hundreds of causes from animal rights to environmental justice, from women’s empowerment to pay equity, and more.
For over 25 years Suzanne has worked with the International Reclaiming Community, co-creating public ritual and training teachers in earth-based spirituality. She offers year-long training in Sacred Leadership and is part of the nationwide faculty for both YogaWorks Teacher Trainings and Globe Sound Healing Institute. As an artist, Suzanne has released 5 solo albums, numerous DVD soundtracks and has made guest appearances on over 15 albums and compilations.
Yoga mat, journal & pen, water bottle
No refunds 14 days prior to event.
Samantha Martin