sheriis@yahoo.com's blog

The Yoga Path
“If flexibility were the secret to yoga, certainly contortionists would be the greatest Yogi's and Yogini's. Regrettably, this is not the case,” Yogi Baba Prem.
Most people when the word yoga is mentioned the first thing that comes to mind is asana practice, but asana practice is only a small part of the practice of yoga.
Yoga and Ethics Through the practice of Yoga we can tap into our highest human potential, which gives us the ability to transcend our human condition of pleasure and pain. If we don’t have a genuine longing for self-transformation we will not have genuine Yoga. Yoga is about purifying ourselves on all levels, which includes body, mind, spirit, speech, actions and our thoughts. This is about cultivating ethics for ethics is the foundation of Yoga and the gateway to God-realization.