Just as you maintain your vehicle and home computer, you must maintain your human vehicle and it’s operating processes. Below is a list of recommendations for a healthy practice to support your modern lifestyle.
KirstenBurch's blog
Treating food as medicine and keeping a grounded self-care routine is important to navigate seasonal change with less cold, flu and fatigue.
If you or someone you know if undergoing cancer treatments, or other conditions that cause nausea or ‘anxious belly’, try these recipes for a soothing lunch.

- I began practicing yoga 24 yrs ago and only dabbled with meditation until 2006, at which point I committed to a serious meditation practice.
- From the moment I did my 1st Downward Facing Dog in 1995. Yoga was truly my path to healing and recovering from trauma from the moment I began practicing.
Nature moves in cycles within cycles, and as humans, we function better when we develop a dependable routine. To get back on track, try something simple and see what a profound difference it makes. Every choice can be mindful!
The Vedas are the fountainhead of all Indian philosophical tradition and spiritual practice. The teachings in the Rig Veda were preserved over centuries by oral tradition alone and was put into writing ~1700–1100 BCE - one of the world's oldest spiritual, philosophical and scientific texts. The teachings are broken down into detailed external practices, different forms of spiritual worship, and finally an explanation of what we realize when we do the practices.
Diving into ancient texts can be intense, so I recommend beginning with the Upanishads, what we can experience through dedication the practice of yoga (meditation), as known by the ancients.
On the go and in a rush, we spend too little time caring for ourselves. As a result, we are dying earlier and experiencing more cancer and bizzare disease than did our ancestors. When given the chance to practice self-care, we've not been taught so it's hard to know where and how to start. I invite you to consider this checklist, choose a category that speaks to you - select one new habit and see how quickly your life can change for the healthier, happier and more fulfilled.
We experience the mind - body connection when we’re anxious, depressed or scared. Our digestion can be impacted we may have difficulty with sleep, we might experience aches and pains, headaches and more. When the body is in pain, the mind cannot relax and find peace. When the mind is not at peace, the body cannot relax and function at its peak.
So what is the answer to keeping both aligned and healthy?
'I always say that the institution of the family has been made by women only, but that they have forgotten their power. Unless women are awakened, unless they arise, humanity cannot help itself...'
Routine gives your mind and body the framework it needs to run smoothly, with more balance and less anxiety. Just as the Sun rises and falls with predictability, so should you - add these 7 Self Care Rituals to set the stage for your healthiest day, every day.