
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is being hailed as a must-have for navigating both the corporate ladder and your most important relationships. Unlike traditional intelligence (IQ), which typically remains stable over a person’s lifespan, emotional intelligence is not fixed over time. In other words, EQ is something that can always be improved upon.

Yoga is known to be great for improving range of motion, increasing bone density, improving concentration, decreasing stress and increasing muscular strength. However, there is more to yoga than the more obvious benefits.

Practicing yoga will help to build the relationship between you and yourself. Yoga is the process of becoming more aware. 

Yoga practice involves breath manipulation, yoga poses, intention and ultimately meditation. As we move slowly with the intention on keeping the breath controlled and the heart-rate down, it doesn't take long before we start to witness physical and psychological habits.

On the go and in a rush, we spend too little time caring for ourselves. As a result, we are dying earlier and experiencing more cancer and bizzare disease than did our ancestors. When given the chance to practice self-care, we've not been taught so it's hard to know where and how to start. I invite you to consider this checklist, choose a category that speaks to you - select one new habit and see how quickly your life can change for the healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

Often we want others to “be” a certain way because they are an extension of our ego-identity.  We take on others actions as being an extension of who we are.  This just isn’t true.  My practice of loving is giving others permission to be as they are and this has become an active practice of loving others.

No diet on the planet will serve you if your digestion is stagnant, too sharp, or irregular. These 4 simple steps provide a foundation for your digestion to suport you health and wellbeing.

We experience the mind - body connection when we’re anxious, depressed or scared. Our digestion can be impacted we may have difficulty with sleep, we might experience aches and pains, headaches and more. When the body is in pain, the mind cannot relax and find peace. When the mind is not at peace, the body cannot relax and function at its peak.

So what is the answer to keeping both aligned and healthy?

From a shamanic perspective, the female womb is the energy center for a woman and for her family.  Just as the womb is the source of creation and new birth in a woman’s body, the womb is also the connection a woman has to Creator/Source energy (fill in God, Universe, or any other word that feels right here as shamanism is not a religion).  In addition to being the energy source for the woman and her family, the womb also cleanses the negative energies within the woman herself as well as the negative energies that exist within her sexual partner.  
